

主营: 型材设备,轧钢设备,轨道设备

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第8年 |    
企业等级: 普通会员
经营模式: 生产加工
所在地区: 辽宁 鞍山
联系卖家: 王秋 女士   
手机号码: 13904127277
公司官网: shenglinmaoyi.tz1288..
公司地址: 辽宁省鞍山市高新区越岭路256号(研发中心A座2号楼510室至511室)


发布时间:2021-11-08 03:41:00        作者:圣霖国际



The main work table is close to the work rack. It will feed the rolling piece into the rolling mill and accept rolling and rolling parts. Therefore, it is a roller table that often works. So it is called the main work roller table.

When the length of the rolled piece exceeds the main work roller Road, another group of working rollers is involved in the work. This group of rolls is called the auxiliary work roller, or the extension roller.


In order to deliver the billet smoothly and quickly, the roller table in this area is sometimes designed to be lifted and lifted. The roller table can be divided into two types: the  drive roller and the separate drive roller. The  driven roller table is driven by a motor to a set of rollers, driven by a motor, a reducer or a sprocket, or through a motor, a reducer, a long shaft and a bevel gear transmission mode.


A single drive roller is used as a motor to drive a roller. The roller table is simple in structure, flexible in operation and convenient in maintenance. According to the section size of the slab, the diameter of the roller and the length of the roller are calculated. The roller spacing after the cutting area depends on the length of the length. Before cutting roller speed and casting speed, after cutting to quickly transfer slab, roller speed is 20 ~ 30m/min.


The life of the rubber drum is long, and the requirement is long life, because it is not very convenient to take the package on the top of the drum, so this will verify the first point again.

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鞍山市圣霖进出口贸易有限公司 电话:0412-8259388 传真:0412-8259388 联系人:王秋 13904127277

地址:辽宁省鞍山市高新区越岭路256号(研发中心A座2号楼510室至511室) 主营产品:型材设备,轧钢设备,轨道设备

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