

主营: 型材设备,轧钢设备,轨道设备

天助网 > 商铺首页 > 供应信息 > reducer厂家-reducer-圣霖国际【以人为本】
第8年 |    
企业等级: 普通会员
经营模式: 生产加工
所在地区: 辽宁 鞍山
联系卖家: 王秋 女士   
手机号码: 13904127277
公司官网: shenglinmaoyi.tz1288..
公司地址: 辽宁省鞍山市高新区越岭路256号(研发中心A座2号楼510室至511室)


询盘留言|投诉|申领|删除 产品编号:362276221                    更新时间:2020-12-31


  • 主营业务:型材设备,轧钢设备,轨道设备
  • 公司官网:http://shenglinmaoyi.tz1288.com
  • 公司地址:辽宁省鞍山市高新区越岭路256号(研发中心A座2号楼510室至511室)
业务热线: 13904127277 ( 王秋 女士)     
  • 产品详情
  • 供货总量 : 不限
  • 价格说明 : 议定
  • 包装说明 : 不限
  • 物流说明 : 货运及物流
  • 交货说明 : 按订单


China's speed reducer industry has been developing for nearly 40 years. In all fields of national economy and national defense industry, the reducer has a wide range of applicati. Food industry, electrical machinery, ctruction machinery, metallurgical machinery,reducer采购, cement machinery,reducer厂家, environmental protection machinery, electronic appliances, ctruction machinery, hydraulic machinery,reducer, chemical machinery, mining machinery, transportation machinery, building materials machinery, rubber machinery, petroleum machinery and other industries on the reducer products have strong demand.


Before installation, the anti rust oil of the motor input shaft, the itioning protruding platform and the connecting part of the reducer is cleaned with gasoline or zinc sodium water. The pure is to ensure the tightness of the connection and the flexibility of the operation, and to prevent unnecessary wear.

减速机内部齿轮齿形修整(修缘和修根)和齿顶倒角 将齿顶的齿形切削成比正确的渐开曲线略呈凸形。当齿轮齿面受外力产生变形时,reducer生产商,可以避免对与之啮合的齿轮产生干涉,并且可以降低噪音,延长齿轮寿命。

The internal gear of the reducer is trimmed (trim and trim) and tooth top chamfering to make the tooth shape of the tooth top  convex than the correct involute curve. When the gear tooth surface is deformed by external force, it can avoid interference to the gears engaged with it, and can reduce noise and prolong the service life of gears.

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鞍山市圣霖进出口贸易有限公司 电话:0412-8259388 传真:0412-8259388 联系人:王秋 13904127277

地址:辽宁省鞍山市高新区越岭路256号(研发中心A座2号楼510室至511室) 主营产品:型材设备,轧钢设备,轨道设备

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